Each of us can help to preserve and protect pollinating insects. Every citizen can get involved by placing flowers in their balcony or terrace, but this is not enough to save pollinators! Municipalities, farmers and all those who manage green areas play a key role in the conservation of bees, butterflies, hoverflies, wasps and beetles. Thus they should become 'Pollinator-friendly'!
Life4Pollinators has developed guidelines with description of pollinators, their threats and the specific best practices for the management of pollinator friendly urban green areas and agro-ecosystems. The qualification of "Pollinator-friendly'" is intended to enhance and recognise the commitment of virtuous municipalities, farms, schools and associations, in order to increase the biodiversity and create a network for its protection!
ARE YOU A MUNICIPALITY? LIFE4Pollinators has prepared a declaration: sign it and adopt it to help pollinators. By doing this, cities can increase the availability of habitats for wild pollinators and become important ecological corridors.
Currently, the “Pollinator friendly” municipalities are:
LESVOS (MYTILENE, Greece)- ARE YOU A FARMER? LIFE4Pollinators has developed a code of conduct: sign it and you will receive the pollinator-friendly farm certificate. Agro-ecosystems are priority habitats for the conservation of insects: the project wants to increase farms that adopt good practices and respect biodiversity!
The "Pollinator-friendly" farms are:
Azienda agricola di Maria Cristina Reguzzi, Pianello Val Tidone (PC, Italy)
Fattoria Ca’ di Sino di Paganini Luca, S. Martino in Gattara (RA, Italy)
Azienda Agricola Orsoni Giacomo, Argelato (BO, Italy)
Tenuta I Trulli di Montecalvo, Putignano (BA, Italy)
Azienda Agricola Dalla Dea Elena, Valsamoggia (BO,Italy)The "Pollinator-friendly" Azienda agricola "Conserva" di Giulia Simonazzi
Azienda Agricola La Bevera, Monticello Brianza, LC (Italy)
Azienda Agricola Cecere Francesco - LE BINE, Acquanegra sul Chiese, MN (Italy)
Azienda Agricola Attilia & Efro di Rita Paltrinieri, Medolla, MO (Italy)
Azienda Agricola Mastroserio, Bari, BA (Italy)
Azienda agricola Il Mulino di Palmieri Emanuela, Oreglia di Sopra, BO (Italy)
Azienda Agricola Lorenzo Maini, Bologna, BO (Italy)
La casa nettarina di Monacelli Beatrice, Poggio Mirteto, RI (Italy)
Azienda Scolastica IIS Tagliamento, Spilimbergo, PN (Italy)
Projete_Equilibri, Santa Maria del Camí, Mallorca (Spain)
Azienda agricola Inula, Modena, MO (Italy)
Azienda agricola La Contea della Terra di Mezzo SRLS, Carpineti (RE)
Azienda Agricola Capitoni Edda, Bologna, BO (Italy)
Azienda Agricola Tomisa, San Lazzaro di Savena, BO (Italy)
ARE YOU A SCHOOL? Choose to join our Citizen Science project! The involvement of children is crucial in citizen science data collection. The new generation wants to act NOW! Schools that want to do more to actively protect insects can become Pollinator Friends: contact us for more information at life4pollinators@unibo.it.
The “Pollinator friendly” schools are:- Liceo Artistico Arcangeli, Bologna (BO, Italy)
- Liceo Luigi Galvani, Bologna (BO, Italy)
- I.I.S. G. Giovagnoli, Sansepolcro (AR, Italy)
- Scuola Secondaria di I grado Testoni-Fioravanti, IC5, Bologna (BO,Italy)
- Scuola Secondaria di I grado Salvo D'Acquisto, IC3 Lame, Bologna (BO,Italy)
- Scuola Secondaria di I grado Federico Barocci, Mombaroccio, (PU,Italy)
- 1st Secondary School of Neapoli, Neapoli, Thessaloniki
- 1st Primary School of Mytilene, Mytilene, Lesvos island
- 1st Primary School of Chios, Chios, Chios island
- 1st Vocational High School of Lagadas, Lagadas, Thessaloniki
- 1st Kindergarten of Thermi, Thermi, Lesvos island
- 3rd Secondary School of Evosmos, Evosmos, Thessaloniki
- 3rd Primary School of Ioannina – Maroutsio, Ioannina, Ioannina
- 3rd Primary School of Korinthos, Korinthos, Korinthos
- 4th Secondary School of Mytilene, Mytilene, Lesvos island
- 5th High School of Kavala, Kavala, Kavala
- 5th Kindergarten of Nikaia, Nikaia, Attica
- 6th Kindergarten of Polichni, Polichni, Thessaloniki
- 7th High School of Piraeus, Piraeus, Attica
- 38th Primary School of Larissa, Larissa, Larissa
- 93rd Kindergarten of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki
- Secondary School of Nea Vissa, Nea Vissa, Evros
- Secondary School of Thermi, Thermi, Lesvos island
- Primary School of Thrapsanos, Thrapsanos, Crete island
- Primary School of Kato Tritos, Kato Tritos, Lesvos island
- Special School of Lesvos, Lesvos, Lesvos island
- Special School of Ptolemaida, Ptolemaida, Kozani
- Kindergarten of Karia Elassonas, Karia Elassonas, Larissa
- School Center of Kardamyla, Kardamyla, Chios island
1st Vocational High School of Atalanti, Atalanti, Phthiotis
ARE YOU AN ASSOCIATION? A COMPANY? Any reality that deals with greenery, education, space management can become Pollinator friendly. Contact us at life4pollinators@unibo.it to find out how to improve the sustainability of your business!
The other reality that joined the project are:
- Casa di Quartiere 2 Agosto 1980 - Orti Urbani Via Saragozza 142, Bologna (BO, Italy)
- Orto Botanico di Bergamo "Lorenzo Rota", Bergamo, Italy
- Associazione culturale Montanari Bertoniani, Montebello di Bertona (PE), Italy
- Parco Naturale Regionale dell'Antola, (GE, Italy)
- SOS Alberi - Fare Natura ETS ODV - Consorzio del Bosco Montello, Montebelluna, Italy
- Il mio Amico Albero ODV, Roma, Italy